Ningbo Tianhong Security Technology Co., Ltd.

Shoigu Visits China Stand at Moscow Military Expo



From August 14 to 20, we took part in the 9th Exhibition of the Army-2023 military expo in Moscow.
The purpose of this trip is to understand the international market, participate in industry exchanges, enhance professional knowledge, improve product visibility and market competitiveness, and explore the Russian market. Our main exhibits this time are bulletproof helmets, bulletproof accessories, bulletproof inserts, bulletproof vests and so on. ( Photo .2)
On 14th Aug. 2023, Russian Defense Minister Army General Sergey Shoigu visited the military stands of several countries including China. The Russian government attaches great importance to this exhibition, and we believe that this exhibition will be a great success.(Photo.1)
Army is an annual exhibition and forum held by the Russian Ministry of Defence since 2015, attracting numerous countries, enterprises, and organisations to participate and showcase defence products. One of the world's largest international exhibitions of arms and military equipment, it includes the display of advanced products; live demonstrations of weapons and technical equipment, and scientific workshops on military technology and defence industry applications.
Its 2023 edition attracts the participation of delegations from nearly 60 countries; 1,500 Russian companies; and 85 foreign firms.

Briefly describe one of our products: Fast helmet : it is one of the most modern tactical combat helmets in the world. The helmet has the characteristics of high speed and low resistance and can adjust the tightness of the head circumference. The helmet has mounted rails on both sides and can be fitted with tactical accessories such as night vision goggles.

Some context: the annual Army-2023 International Military-Technical Forum is a platform where prominent Russian military companies present their products. Up to 85 foreign companies and organizations from seven countries plan to participate in the forum, which is organized by the Russian Defense Ministry, according to TASS.
The forum, which opened Monday, will continue until August 20 at the Alabino shooting range and the Kubinka airfield, about 60 kilometers (37 miles) west of Moscow.

Post time: Sep-05-2023